
CIO en VO : 5 applications gratuites incontournables pour votre blackberry

Si vous cherchez les dernières applications gratuites et incontournables pour votre Blackberry, nos confrères américains de CIO Etats-Unis ont fait la sélection pour vous.

PublicitéTime for more free BlackBerry software downloads. For more than a year now, I've combed the Web for the best free BlackBerry apps and delivered them directly to you via along with my weekly BlackBerry tips and tricks. I've reviewed more than enough free BlackBerry software to fill the app memory on a dozen RIM devices--which really doesn't say much, but I digress--including free open-source smartphone software, BlackBerry-Storm-Specific applications, apps recommended by top-ranking RIM executives, including Co-CEO Mike Lazaridis--even a no-cost game or two. This time around, I'm offering up an intuitive, full-featured local-business-search app; a brand new voice-activated Web search engine; a fantastic, free Internet radio service (hint: It's not Slacker or iHeart Radio.); a script that simplifies SMS text message creation; and an easy way to resize digital images using your handheld. So charge that battery to capacity and make sure you've got some free time on your hands. You'll need them both. Superpages Mobile + BlackBerry = BlackBerry SuperSearch Plenty of BlackBerry applications offer local search features to help you find the closest nearby hardware stores, supermarkets, movie theatres etc., as well as driving directions to get you there. The ones that come immediately to mind are Poynt and Where, both of which I employ quite frequently. But few free BlackBerry apps make searching for and utilizing such information as simple as Superpages Mobile for BlackBerry. You just enter in the zip code and/or city or town in which you want to search, or select the Use GPS Location menu option, and then type the name of the business or type of business you seek. After just a few seconds, Superpages Mobile for BlackBerry delivers a list of results along with additional data like contact information and addresses, how far away you are from your target, and other possible alternatives in area. You can also use the application's preset options to quickly search for specific businesses, like McDonalds or Burger King; categories, including health and travel; people; movies, theatres and film genres; five-day weather forecasts; maps; turn-by-turn driving directions and much more. There's also a handy, built-in Wi-Fi locator that shows nearby Wi-Fi networks and tells you whether or not they're free to access. La suite et les liens de téléchargement sur le site de notre confrère américain.

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